Big Eye Soldierfish (Myripristis sp.)

Big Eye Soldierfish (Myripristis sp.)

Big Eye Soldierfish (Myripristis sp.) Big Eye Soldierfish (Myripristis sp.) Big eye soldierfish (Myripristis sp.) are a nocturnal species that will spend much of the day hiding under cliffs and ledges. They will feed during the day with the rest of your fish, but are most active during the nighttime hours. They do well in groups but may eat smaller fish and shrimp. Big eye soldiers get to be about 7-8”s and therefore, need larger-size tanks to do well...
Double Saddle Butterflyfish

Double Saddle Butterflyfish

Double Saddle Butterflyfish Double Saddle Butterflyfish The Double Saddle Butterflyfish, pictured here, is a beautiful addition to the home saltwater tank. They can grow to a length of six inches, and eat a largely meaty diet. Be cautious, however, when adding a Double Saddle Butterflyfish to a reef tank, as they are known to nibble on corals and anemones and are generally only recommended for fish only...
Tiger Pistol Shrimp (Alpheus bellulus)

Tiger Pistol Shrimp (Alpheus bellulus)

Tiger Pistol Shrimp (Alpheus bellulus) Tiger Pistol Shrimp (Alpheus bellulus) Here’s a tiger pistol shrimp (Alpheus bellulus), which has one of the most fascinating weapons in the animal kingdom. They snap their large right claw so quickly that it creates a shockwave powerful enough to stun predators and prey. They also use it as a bulldozer to dig holes. It is because of this that this species of pistol shrimp will pair with some species of gobies. Pistol shrimp are particularly good at digging holes, but have poor eyesight to hunt prey and evade predators. They will allow some burrowing gobies to stand guard at the entrance while the shrimp does the work, all the while keeping his antennae on the gobie’s body. When the goby darts back into the hole, the pistol shrimp knows danger is near and scoots back in to safety. Here’s a great video with slow-motion footage of his pistol in action. Slow motion pistol shrimp attack hits 4000⁰C! Slo Mo #14 Video by Earth...
Saddleback Butterfly (Chaetodon ephippium)

Saddleback Butterfly (Chaetodon ephippium)

Saddleback Butterfly (Chaetodon ephippium) Saddleback Butterfly (Chaetodon ephippium) The saddleback butterfly (Chaetodon ephippium) is a beautiful species that, like most butterflies, should primarily be kept in fish-only tanks as they may eat corals. They also need ample room to swim and a diet consisting of a variety of meaty foods. EXPLORE MORE   Fauna Aquatics Home Fauna Fish Fauna...
Clown Triggerfish (balistoides conspicillum)

Clown Triggerfish (balistoides conspicillum)

Clown Triggerfish (balistoides conspicillum) Clown Triggerfish (balistoides conspicillum) Clown Triggerfish (balistoides conspicillum) can be found throughout the Pacific and Indian Oceans. They can be aggressive to other fish, so they do best in a tank largely occupied by other carnivorous fish. Clown Triggerfish eat a wide variety of meaty foods such as shrimp and smaller fish. To humans, they can seem friendly and personable, and can even beg for food. This one, pictured, is a young Trigger. As they get older, the yellow in the front of the face will shrink around the mouth, and the yellow patch on top will be replaced with a leopard-like pattern....