White bellied Caique

(Pionites leucogaster)

White bellied Caique (Pionites leucogaster)

White bellied Caique

(Pionites leucogaster)

White bellied Caiques (Pionites leucogaster) are known as the clowns of the parrot world (along with their nectar eating friends, the lories!). Caiques are bold, curious and fun pet birds and can be easily trained with an adept owner.

White-bellied Caique

Caiques are playful and mischievous, but are sure to win your heart.

Megan and Mr. Pickle

Megan proudly shows off Mr. Pickle, a baby White bellied Caique, after his afternoon feeding. Just look at his little plump crop.

Baby White Bellied Caiques
Baby White Bellied Caiques
Baby White Bellied Caiques